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Spruce Creek High School Band seeks support for acclaimed festival invitation.

Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 9:35PM

Spruce Creek High School Band seeks support for acclaimed festival invitation.

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



The Spruce Creek High School Wind Ensemble has received a prestigious invitation to perform at the 2024 Music for All National Festival in Indianapolis, March 21 to 23, 2024, a remarkable achievement and a testament to the band members' hard work and dedication under the adept direction of Mrs. Lauren Martin and Mr. David Martin. 

To attend the festival, each student needs to raise approximately $1700 to cover transportation, hotel accommodations, and meals for the trip. Comprised of 57 students, Spruce Creek High School's Wind Ensemble has been actively engaged in a calendar fundraiser to offset costs for the first payment due on October 1. Further fundraising efforts include a Chipotle Spirit Night in October and gift-wrapping at Volusia Mall right before the holidays.

One of the instrumental fundraising efforts for Spruce Creek's Instrumental Music Program has been the Luminary Sales, an integral part of the program for over 30 years. Luminary kits consist of paper bags, tea lights, and sand, allowing families to light their driveways during the winter holidays.

This past year, the Spruce Creek High School Band raised over $30,000, which helped lower student fees this year by $150. Band students typically pay $350-$400 per year to cover expenses for the program, like sheet music, instruments, instrument repairs, transportation to and from football games, other events.

The Music for All National Festival is a premier non-competitive festival that provides student musicians with a platform to showcase their skills at prominent venues. Participants benefit from valuable evaluation and feedback by a panel of distinguished conductors and clinicians, all while engaging in educational workshops. Spruce Creek High School Wind Ensemble's first-time acceptance is an unprecedented feat being most schools apply several years in a row before being accepted.

If you want to help these talented musicians showcase their skills on a national stage, visit Donation! | SCHS Performing Arts ( or contact Lauren Martin at or (386) 322-6272 ext. 37754.


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