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Spruce Creek HS Band Trailer Stolen From School Lot

Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 2:25PM

Port Orange, FL - Police are asking residents to keep an eye out for a transport trailer that was stolen from the Spruce Creek High School parking lot on Saturday night around 11:15 pm.

The trailer was reported missing Sunday morning by Robert Bosma, band director at Spruce Creek High. Bosma said he was notified by Principal Todd Sparger the chain securing the gates to the parking lot had been cut the night prior. has obtained the official report from Port Orange Police. Review of the school’s video security system captured the incident and shows a light-colored quad cab pickup truck arriving through the North student parking lot from the west gate, and leaving the lot, trailer in tow.

Saturday Bosma was on campus much of the day for a band fundraiser. The school was host to a basketball tournament Friday and Saturday featuring teams from around the state. Police were provided a list of schools that participated in the tournament.

Residents and Spruce Creek High band parents are taking to social media to share the video and description of the trailer and vehicle that was towing it.

The trailer is a 2019, 28-foot white enclosed trailer. The trailer had a Florida temporary tag CHV2827 and inside the trailer was the permanent tag KRZM21. 

According to Facebook posts by parents, students worked to raise the money to purchase the equipment. The trailer had not yet been labeled, decorated, or wrapped with any identifiers.

If you have any information about the missing trailer, please contact the Port Orange Police Department.

Click here to view the video of the theft.

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