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South Daytona’s Annual Sparkle Days Starts April 13th

Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 5:05PM

For 30 years in a row, South Daytona has celebrated Sparkle Days in an effort to help residents dispose of trash. Sparkle Days will run from April 13th to April 23rd and residents are encouraged to put almost any kind of trash they have on the curb and the city will come pick it up (no phone call required for most items).


Items like automobile batteries and appliances can be left on the curb, but it is encouraged that any doors on appliances either be removed or secured shut for safety reasons.


Public Works Specialist Pat Clark wrote to City Manager Joe Yarborough stating “Over the years, we have collected furniture, carpeting, rotten wood, white goods, dismantled tree houses, sheds and tires. We have provided special assistance in disposal of old boats, vehicles and campers. Our residents look forward to our program every year and it continues to be a successful endeavor.”


The city is advising residents that the only items that will not be picked up are hazardous materials. Hazardous materials include paint thinners, used oil, pool chemicals, solvents, and gasoline. These types of items should be brought to the nearest Volusia County landfill.


Any residents who may need help due to physical limitations are asked to call Public Works at 386-322-3030 during business hours to schedule a time to receive assistance. Those residents discarding vehicles and/or boats will also need to call Public Works to schedule a time for pick up and provide the department with Title/Vehicle Registration as proof of ownership.


Empty containers that used to hold these hazardous materials will be accepted and used oil can be brought to the special container at the Public Works Department at 1770 Segrave St.


When possible, any trash should be kept in bags or containers and placed at the curb. Please make sure the trash is not blocking any storm drains, mailboxes,  or fire hydrants.


The average amount of trash collected since 2007 is 309 tons per year. South Daytona is hoping for another successful year of Sparkle Days. Last year’s Sparkle Days collected over 238 tons of trash! That’s actually the lowest amount collected since 2012.


Let’s make this year count!

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