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City of South Daytona in Favor of New Development

Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 2:10PM

Exciting developments are in the works for South Daytona. The proposed plan is to convert 6.2 empty acres of land on the southern border of the city into a beautiful development with two 90-foot high condominium towers. The development will also include 17 townhomes.

With over 34 acres of vacant beachfront property, South Daytona has not had any new proposed developments since the housing boom in 2006. When the housing market fell, the plans for developing empty lots in South Daytona crashed as well.

This rebirth was brought about by a Texas investment firm, Silvestri Investments. Though this proposal pales in comparison to the plans that were in place before the economic crash, these types of new additions to South Daytona are welcomed by Community Development Director John Dillard.

Dillard states that the new development focuses less on density and is catered more toward buyers. Since the economic crash, the market tends to trend higher toward developments instead of high-rise skyscrapers.

City Manager Joe Yarbrough is excited about the new additions to the South Daytona. The change that this condominium, townhome and marina project off U.S. 1 could have on South Dayton’s visual and economic landscape is immense.

The future of South Daytona is now even brighter and more developed than ever.

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