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Florida Unemployment System has Work Search Requirement Reinstated.

Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 4:00PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



Back in March of 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis waived the Work Search Requirement that the Florida Unemployment System uses for claimants to receive their benefits.

That waiver expired on Saturday, April 24, meaning that starting this week unemployed Florida residents claiming benefits may have to add information on at least five jobs they applied for to receive their checks.

According to the DEO, “a work search may include, but is not limited to, registering for work and reemployment services with a local CareerSource Center, completing a job application in person or online, mailing a job application or resume, making in-person visits with potential employers, interviewing with potential employers, or registering for work with employment or placement agencies to name a few.”

Governor DeSantis has stated that he believes there are many good jobs available, and within the last month, the DEO reported more than 400,000 job ads in the state.

For those requesting payments for weeks prior to April 25, claimants will not be required to enter work searches.

As of Monday, April 26, there have been no talks of whether or not Governor DeSantis will extend the waiver again.

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