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Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservative Commission Extend Renewal Deadlines for Specialized Licenses.

Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 1:35PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News


In a release sent out Friday, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) will be extending the renewal deadlines of Special Licenses for 30 days.


The extension is part of the FWC Executive Order 20-08 which states:

Any holder of the following specified licenses issued by the Commission with an existing renewal deadline that occurs in March or April 2020, said deadline is suspended and tolled for 30 days from the existing renewal deadline unless extended by subsequent order. This tolling relates to business operations under both the Commission's constitutional and statutory authority and includes:


  * Commercial Freshwater licenses according to 379.363, F.S.; 

  * Charter Fishing Licenses according to 379.354(7)(a)-(c), F.S.; 

  * Captive Wildlife Exhibition and Sale Licenses according to 379.3761(2), F.S.; 

  * Venomous/Conditional/Prohibited Reptiles 379.372, F.S. and 68-5.005 and 68- 5.007, F.A.C.; 

  * Private Game Preserves and Farms, 379.3711 and 379.3712, F.S.; and 

  * Marine Special Activity Licenses, Chapter 68B, F.A.C. and 379.361(4), F.S


These changes to the renewal deadlines are effective immediately. FWCC also will continue to work with the Governor’s Office and the CDC on updates on the most recent COVID-19 Status and guidance.


For questions related to the situation of COVID-19 in Florida, the public is encouraged to visit or contact the Department of Health’s dedicated COVID-19 Call Center by calling 866-779-6121.


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