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Will Volusia County Council Member’s Add the Renewal of the Volusia Forever and Echo Programs to the November Ballot?

Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 1:05PM


Written by Kristen Schmutz – Belden Communications


Both the Volusia Forever and the ECHO programs are set to expire in 2021. It’s been a known issue, but the County Council has set the issue to be added to their March Agenda, to vote if they will add the renewal of both programs to the ballot in November.


Volusia Forever and Echo are both favorites of residents, as Volusia Forever focuses on financing acquiring and improving environmentally sensitive recreational land throughout the county. ECHO provides grant funds to finance the acquisition, restoration, and/or construction/improvements of the structures, parks, and other places across the county relating to the Environment, Culture, History, and Outdoors.


If the vote passes the Council in March, then it will be up to the voters to pass the renewal of the programs in November. If renewed both programs will be active for 20 years.

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