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Congressional Leaders Strike Roughly $8 Billion Bipartisan Emergency Funds Deal.

Wed, Mar 04, 2020 at 3:20PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz – Belden Communications


Congressional Leaders in the house and senate reached a bipartisan deal this morning on roughly $8 Billion in Emergency Funding to combat COVID-19.


$7.8 Billion will be provided to fight the virus which includes mandatory funding authorizations for $500 Million over a 10-year period to be used toward a Remote Healthcare Program.


Now that the framework of the deal is completed, a 28-page bill, the house needs to vote on the deal later on today. The bill includes a provision that only allows the funds to be used concerning fighting the coronavirus or any other infectious disease.


The legislation will provide $2 Billion to the CDC for preparations, prevention, and response. $3 Billion will be allocated to a Public Health Emergency Fund and National Institution of Health for research and development of vaccines, treatments, and testing of the coronavirus. $1.3 Billion will help protect the health of Americans living abroad.


Lastly, $300 Million has been allocated to ensure that when a vaccine becomes readily available, Americans can receive it regardless of their ability to pay.

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