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Port Orange 2020 Environmental Challenge; Student Participants are Looking for Community Assistance

Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 4:40PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz – Belden Communications


Every year, the City of Port Orange coordinates an annual youth program that is open to high school juniors and seniors in the Port Orange Area. The program teaches students the basics behind local government operations, provides leadership training and allows students to partake in a capstone project.


This year the students are focusing on two projects.

The first is an environmental challenge, aiming to change every-day behaviors and slowly adapt to becoming more environmentally focused individuals. The students created “Environmental Challenge” Bingo. The students are asking that you download the Bingo card, which can be found here on the Youth Leadership Program website. 


Once you have a ‘Bingo’ let the youth leadership team know what you did, and how you did it. Entries will be reviewed by the team and the most creative and impactful ‘Bingo’ will be presented to the City Council later this year.


The second is a community garden to be implemented in the Port Orange Area. This project is still in progress and updates will be released as they come.


If you are wanting to learn more regarding the Youth Leadership Program, or how to contribute to either project please contact Assistant City Manager, Alan Rosen, at or via phone at 386 506-5529

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