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Volusia County Schools Asks Students, Families, and Staff who May Have Traveled to Areas of High-Risk for COVID-19 to Self-Isolate.

Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 8:30AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz – Belden Communications


In continued efforts to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 from coming to Volusia County, Volusia County Schools are taking preemptive measures. VCS sent out an auto-email which was received by Kristen Schmutz, News Editor of Belden Communications. 


The email was sent as a reminder to students and their families, that even though Florida is still considered “low-risk” for an outbreak of COVID-19, they will be increasing their efforts in sanitation throughout the schools and classrooms. 


After a phone conference earlier this week with Florida Superintendents, Florida Health Department Officials, and officials from the Department of Education, Officials also were instructed to release the following information:


They are asking students, families, and staff that have traveled to areas identified as high-risk for the coronavirus to self-isolate for 14-days after returning home from these locations. These locations, which are considered Level Two and Level Three by the CDC, are listed here: These areas include China, Italy, South Korea, and Japan at this time. 


School officials also want to remind families, students, and staff if they have returned from any of these locations and experience flu-like symptoms to see a doctor and contact the Health Department. 


For more information regarding COVID-19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Florida Department of Health, or the district website at


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