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Grant Allows Volusia County Sheriff’s Office to Improve 911 System

Tue, Jun 05, 2018 at 1:35PM

Volusia County, FL - A state grant of approximately $760,000 has been allocated to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office (VCSO) in order to replace the outdated 911 system.

The 6-year-old 911 hardware will be completely replaced in the VCSO Communications Center and will have important features, such as text-to-911.

The grant was provided by the State of Florida E911 Board and will be replacing handling equipment and workstations. Sheriff Mike Chitwood said on Tuesday, “Lives depend on us having the right technology to send help as fast as possible, and I’m grateful to the Florida E911 Board members who granted us the funds we need to do that here in Volusia County.”

The new system should last for 7 years and once it’s installed Volusia County will be able to utilize features, such as the previously mentioned text-to-911 and ECaTS which has the ability to process 911 data and provide the sheriff’s office with valuable information. The system it’s replacing was installed in 2012 without any state funding.

The official name of the board that’s providing the grant is the E911 Board for Enhanced 911 services. Their goal is to create efficient 911 services for the citizens of Florida by promoting education and deployment of advanced systems. In 2005, the board provided 911 services with the ability to access the 911 caller’s telephone number and address. Their next big project is the Statewide Text-to-911 Initiative.

For more information on the updated system or the E911 Board visit

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