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Volusia County to Implement a COVID-19 Small Business Assistance Grant Program.

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 12:15PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News.




On Tuesday afternoon, Volusia County provided preliminary plans for a grant program that is set to help small businesses reopen their doors and make a comeback from the economic devastation that was brought on by the Coronavirus.


By assisting small businesses in the area, council members fully believe they can help stimulate the local economy.


Funding the grant will not affect the county’s budget and will come from relief funds the county received last week from the U.S Treasury Department. The County’s preliminary proposal included setting aside a portion of the relief money, to be able to go towards funding the grant.


According to a news release from Volusia County, “A provision of the federal CARES Act, counties with populations over 500,000 qualify for the direct federal COVID-19 relief funds. Volusia County is one of 12 counties in Florida to qualify. On Tuesday, the County Council and county staff talked about how the money will be used. According to federal guidelines, the money can be spent to cover expenses that are directly attributable to the health crisis and aren’t accounted for in the county’s budget. That could cover a lot of things, such as medical and protective supplies, food delivery, rental assistance for residents, disinfection of public areas and facilities, expenses to improve telework capabilities for public employees, and other costs incurred by county government related to the pandemic.”


While the grant program itself is still in development, the proposal was well-received by all members of the county council. Especially by Councilwoman Heather Post, who was empathetic towards the small businesses and their needs.


“These small businesses are full of anxiety right now and are worried about what the future holds for them,” said Post. “I know we have a lot of small businesses that are looking forward to this assistance.”

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