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Volusia County Schools Announce School Closures Until May 1; Information on Laptop Distribution Available.

Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 3:30PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz


Belden Communications News


Volusia County Schools have sent out a release extending their closure through May 1 and urge families and students to continue the uses of Virtual and Distance Learning until schools open.


The release came viz email from Volusia County School Districts Community Information Officer Kelly Schulz.


At this time all extra-curricular activities like field trips and sporting events are canceled, all meetings will be held virtually, and there are discussions to be held regarding prom and graduation.


Virtual and Distance Learning started today, March 30, and some of the software like Edgenuity and Microsoft Teams experienced temporary issues due to high usage volume. Changes are being made to handle the high amount of usage nationwide.


If anyone has any questions regarding the use of Virtual Instruction, they are being urged to call the Virtual Online Instructional Support Hotline at (386) 626-0070.


Laptops are still being scheduled to be given to those families of Middle and High School students that don’t have the proper technology at home. The schedule is as follows:



Monday, April 6

Creekside Middle 

DeLand Middle 

Galaxy Middle 

Ormond Beach Middle 

New Smyrna Beach High

Spruce Creek High

DeLand High

Deltona High


Tuesday April 7

Hinson Middle 

Campbell Middle 

Deltona Middle 

River Springs Middle

Seabreeze High

University High

Mainland High


Wednesday April 8

New Smyrna Beach Middle

Heritage Middle 

Holly Hill 

Silver Sands Middle

Southwestern Middle 

Taylor MS/HS

Atlantic HS

Pine Ridge HS


As for food distribution sites for students, we have both bus drop-off food sites and school sites. Please seethe website for a list of locations (Students must be present to receive food).

For updates on information regarding Volusia County Schools visit



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