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The City of Port Orange Approves Executive Order #8 Regarding Temporary Signage.

Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 3:10PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News


In a release sent out this morning by Public Information Officer Christine Martindale, the City of Port Orange has executed their Executive order #8, which suspends restrictions on temporary signage for local restaurants.


Since the demand for takeout and delivery services has increased as residents voluntarily isolate and quarantine in their homes, temporary signage to inform of take out or delivery services available, is being allowed for all restaurants.


Temporary signage shall not be located within the rights-of-way, in a manner restricting an accessible path under the American with Disabilities Act, or in a manner than interferes with or impacts the safe passage of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.


The Executive Order is effective immediately.

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