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Port Orange to Resume Processing of Special Events Permits.

Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 9:20AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



According to a release put out by the city of Port Orange, the city has decided to resume the processing of special event permits following existing applicable code provisions.


The city suspended the processing of special event permits back in March at the beginning of the pandemic.


Now that Governor DeSantis has moved the state of Florida into Phase 3 of his reopening plan, this now allows businesses to resume normal operations and effectively preempts emergency ordinances that are in place locally inhibiting an individual from working or operating a business.


The city has also amended its review process for the criteria for major and minor events, and special events held at or on city property o include a review to determine whether the event can be held following CDC guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Applications for these types of events will need to include a detailed description of the measures being taken by the event holder to comply with CDC guidelines.


The aforementioned shall become conditions to gain permit approval.



The city may deny any special event permit application for any event the city feels does not comply with current CDC guidance or otherwise presents a danger to public health.


A permit may be revoked that has been granted if the event holder fails to abide by the measures outlined within the application.


The resumption of processing event permits is effective immediately.

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