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Port Orange man arrested for possession of child pornography.

Thu, Aug 04, 2022 at 9:30AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News 



The Port Orange Police Department arrested Dalton Lund, 19, of Port Orange, after the Criminal Investigations Division executed a search warrant on Tuesday, August 2, 2022.

According to reports, Lund was arrested and charged with seven counts of possession of child pornography, two counts of transmission of child pornography, one count of sexual cyber harassment, use of a 2-way communication device in the commission of a felony, obstructing a law enforcement officer, tampering with evidence, video voyeurism under the age of 19, distributing obscene materials to a minor, sale of narcotics within 1000 feet of a park (Marijuana 403 grams) and intent to distribute narcotics paraphernalia.

Lund was taken into custody and processed at the Volusia County Branch Jail before being released after posting a $54,000 bond on Tuesday. The Port Orange Police Department is still investigating this incident.

Anyone with additional information regarding this investigation should contact the case agent, Detective Lance Morris, at 386-506-5813. 

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User Comments

Re: Port Orange man arrested for possession of child pornography.
What the police don?t want to mention was the pictures/videos are of mr lund and his girlfriend of 3 years both of them being underage 14 and 16 when they are taken. Both kids themselves at the time. Both parties parents knew they were together. And sexually active. This is a reach from all members of the police department involved. This is not a grown man looking at little kids. This is a dumb 19 year and his ex 17 year old girl friend that dated for 2 years while both were under the age of 18. This police department isn?t stopping any bad guy on the street it?s ruining a 19 year olds life.
Author: / Fri, Aug 05, 2022 at 9:00AM
Re: Port Orange man arrested for possession of child pornography.
The system did exactly what he was looking for over the years of him sending around these videos of young girls. They may have been young when they where together but to be sending around a video of a 14yr old that is STILL UNDERAGE being only 17 is disgusting. You are 19 sending videos of a 14yr old among many other videos of minors that are STILL minors! Do better.
Author: / Sat, Aug 06, 2022 at 10:43AM
Those videos where taken when I dalton lund was 16 and she was 14 we dated for two years broke up right around when I turned 18. Emma lived with me basically for those two years . Haven't spoke to her in over a year there could of been many ways to resolve this, this is not what I was looking for . Brooke your saying I still am sending this videos when I'm not . I've been thru hell the last two years , lost my mother at 17 and 8 months had to deal with my mother passing , which you and emma where there at the sense. These pictures were at the very bottom of my gallery sorry I didn't think about scrolling to the bottom of my phone to delete vids of someone who I loved during the time . Being that I waited two years to delete them now I can be on a sexual predator list , jail for months , probation for years . My whole family loved emma , my aunt offered her clothes. She came to every family outing . I apologize for everything I've done to emma over the years and I hope you understand
Author: / Sun, Aug 07, 2022 at 10:24AM
Re: Port Orange man arrested for possession of child pornography.
I don?t understand why this girl isn?t getting charged with child pornography too. It was a photo/video of them together it takes 2 people to consent to that photo/video. She had an involvement to. Regardless these photos/videos happened years ago so why is it being brought up now? There are so many underage girls selling naked pictures on onlyfans with old men buying them. But the justice system doesn?t seem to want to shut that down. So why is this any more important than catching actual predators?
Author: / Mon, Aug 08, 2022 at 12:39AM
Pleading on the internet
Pleading your case case on the internet won?t help you. Consult with an attorney.
Author: / Mon, Aug 08, 2022 at 3:13PM
Re: Port Orange man arrested for possession of child pornography.
You took video of underage girls not one but many ! You also did it with out them knowing!! Along with many other things !!! You will have your day in court but video doesn?t lie ~ enjoy your stay in jail and learn from your mistakes
Author: / Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 7:02PM
Re: Port Orange man arrested for possession of child pornography.
I can?t say anything this man did was right I think it?s disrespectful and gross but I can say I knew him for like 4 years and I?m sad to see his life is over bc of dumb choices that we?re made I will not defend him tho he has played a important role in my life and it?s just sad to see this happening to him given everything I know he could be like I?m pregnant with his child and it?s just sad to see
Author: / Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 1:04PM
Re: Port Orange man arrested for possession of child pornography.
This Fugitive need?s to be took off the streets he?s a pedophile of under age girls it?s one less scum bag off are city roads
Author: / Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 9:24PM
Re: Port Orange man arrested for possession of child pornography.
just because it was a 3 year age difference doesn't take away that you still are a creep. weird as hell having a 15 year olds old sex tape in your phone after all these years, u trying to defend yourself is so embarrassing.
Author: / Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 1:32AM