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Port Orange Council Supports Measures for Future Communications Tower Siting

Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 2:45PM

Port Orange, FL - After earlier public outcry over a proposed AT&T Communications Tower being placed in a residential neighborhood, it was little surprise that the Port Orange City Council voiced support for a measure Tuesday night that would establish a clear hierarchy of how future tower sites are chosen.

During the Regular City Council Meeting a presentation by Community Development Director Tim Burman laid out the preferred types of towers to be considered in the City limits as well the types of properties that should be looked at when selecting a site for any new communications towers.

The hierarchy plan also details the setback distance from roads and pedestrian areas the tower would need to constructed.

The proposed structure plan presents six options and states the first desired option is to have a camouflaged tower on municipal owned property. Other options include a camouflaged tower on light industrial or commercial industrial land. Residential areas fall at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Attorneys for wireless providers, as well as the city, are expected to make any requested or required changes prior to second reading.

Mayor Don Burnette alluded to the difficulty this topic raises, which is finding the balance between serving the needs of customers with the safety of residents.

“It’s a balancing act, no doubt,” said Burnette.

Other Council members voiced appreciation for the efforts involved in creating the hierarchy plan.

“We got what we wanted from this plan with safeguards for our residential areas,” said Councilman Drew Bastian.

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