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Port Orange City Council to Continue Chickens, Cell Tower Discussions

Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 11:50AM

Port Orange, FL -- At the next Port Orange City Council meeting, council members will discuss two issues that have created a great deal of community discussion in the last few months since the introduction of each proposed ordinance.

The City Council will hear a motion to approve the previously-discussed Urban Chicken Pilot Program for city residents. If approved, up to 30 households can apply and receive approval to own up to 5 chickens at their residence, assuming they meet the strict requirements laid out by the ordinance.

The ordinance under review states, “Up to five chickens per household by no more than thirty households, on owner-occupied single-family properties. Chickens and associated activities shall be kept for personal use only. Selling chickens, eggs, feathers, or chicken manure, or the breeding of chickens is prohibited.”

Also spelled out in the ordinance are clear details of enclosures, maintenance, and conditions that could result in code violations.

“The coop, pen and enclosure shall be completely secured from predators, including all openings, ventilation holes, doors and gates. Fencing or roofing is required over the enclosure in addition to the coop, in order to protect the chickens from predators,” according to the ordinance’s wording.

Urban chicken permit applications would be submitted to the Community Development Department and will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the city receives 30 applications others will be placed on a waiting list.

The land usage discussion for cellular communications towers will also come before the Council to consider the proposed Land Development Code governing site selection, among other items pertaining to the towers in the City.

“Subject to the siting priorities above, new communication towers may be located as a permitted use on municipal use property and in the light industrial and commercial industrial district,” sates the proposed ordinance.

This would mean no new towers would be permitted in residential communities within the city.

The Council meets Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at City Hall Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m.

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