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Florida Department of Health Confirms Volusia County’s First Case of COVID-19.

Sat, Mar 07, 2020 at 8:10PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz – Belden Communications




Early Saturday evening, the Florida Department of Health has confirmed that Volusia County has its first positive case of COVID-19. The news comes in post on the DOH’s Twitter page.


A 66-year old female within the county has been identified as a presumptive positive case. She is isolated and will continue to remain isolated until cleared by public health officials. It’s been reported that the woman has had a history of recent travel outside of the U.S.


News of the County’s first confirmed case also comes with another presumptive positive case from Okaloosa County. This brings the State’s total of 10 COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida. There are 5 confirmed cases from Florida Residents outside of the state.

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User Comments

Would like to know how many confirmed flu cases there have been in Volusia county
US Deaths from Flu today: 167 US Deaths by Coronavirus TOTAL: 6 The media sells fear. Don't be afraid. ???? use common sense! Use those antibacterial wipes on cart handles at the stores and wash those hands religiously.
Author: / Sun, Mar 08, 2020 at 10:35AM