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Volusia County Shares Information on COVID-19 Testing.

Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 4:05PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News


Volusia County and its cities have been working with health officials to provide information regarding testing for COVID-19.


If residents are sick and exhibiting symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) they should seek treatment with their Primary Care Physician (PCP) or urgent care. Physicians are adhering to testing criteria laid out by the CDC to determine if a patient qualifies for COVID-19 testing. Before receiving an order for COVID-19 testing, a patient might be tested for other illnesses, such as the flu.


Residents are being instructed not to go to the Hospital, Primary Care Physician, or Urgent Care and demand/order their Covid-19 test.


Unless you are experiencing severe respiratory illness, county officials are urging the public to not go to an ER to be tested. The Emergency Department should be reserved for those having a medical emergency like shortness of breath or chest pain.


If you have traveled internationally or taken a cruise, you should self-quarantine yourself immediately for 14-days, even if you do not have any symptoms. If you develop symptoms contact your physician and disclose your travel history.


If you are not sick, it is unlikely that you have COVID-19. Having a fever and cough alone does not mean you will automatically be tested as they are symptoms of other illnesses such as the flu. A physician must evaluate your symptoms, travel history, potential exposure, and other factors to see if COVID-19 testing is appropriate.


If your symptoms are deemed appropriate and you meet the criteria, a physician will order a COVID-19 test. The sample will be taken in-office and sent out to a lab, where the test will be conducted. It will take up to 7 days for the labs to produce and share results. During this time patients will be instructed to follow CDC guidelines for self-isolation. Once the results come back, they will be shared with the patient and the Florida Department of Health.


At this time there are no plans for drive-through testing for COVID-19 in Volusia County. If plans become available, they will be announced.

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User Comments

Why aren?t there Testing.
As of 3-28 volusia has 43 cases according to (Johns Hopkins) site. How many cases does it take to start testing? Folks could be walking around being a carrier of the virus. I have family in Fla who are in their 60?s with pre existing health conditions, if they catch covid-19 I fear that they would not survive. Why aren?t testing being done? It would prevent the spread. Why wait! until high numbers of positive covid-19 cases appear, before testing are done?
Author: / Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 12:36AM