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Florida Department of Education releases 2023 Spring Assessment results.

Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 11:50AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



The Florida Department of Education has published the results of the spring assessments for 2022-2023, which include the reading and math scores from the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST), statewide science assessment scores, and end-of-course exam scores in other subjects.

This past school year was the first year utilizing the F.A.S.T. progress monitoring system, and the state has decided not to release grades this summer to allow time for correlation between the new metric and the previous assessment. Instead, school grades should be released in the fall.

Volusia County Schools is delighted to share the following summary-level data:


  • The percentage of students in grades three, four, and seven who scored at or above the proficiency level in English Language Arts (ELA) has increased compared to last year.


  • Students have either maintained or closed the achievement gap in ELA, compared to the state, in five out of eight tested grade levels.


  • Among all 11 districts in the Central Florida Coalition, the percentage of students in grades three through five who scored at or above the proficiency level in ELA ranked in the top four.


  • The percentage of students scoring at or above the proficiency level in math has increased in all third through eighth grade classes compared to last year.


  • In grade five, the percentage of students scoring at or above the proficiency level in science is ten percentage points higher than the state average.


  • Students have either maintained or closed the achievement gap, compared to the state, on three out of five End of Course assessments.


  • In geometry, Volusia County Schools have maintained proficiency, while five out of the 11 districts within the Central Florida Coalition of Schools have seen a decrease.


"I am thrilled to announce that our students are continuously progressing and improving their proficiency. I am extremely proud of their accomplishments," said Superintendent Dr. Carmen Balgobin expressing her satisfaction. "These assessment scores reflect the hard work of our students, teachers, and employees throughout the district. Together, we make a positive impact on our students' learning every day."

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