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Featured Community Connection: Rezoning of a 2-Acre Property off Old Hammock Road

Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 1:45PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



The team at Featured Community Connections recently went to a Planning Commission meeting where talks are in the works for the possibility of rezoning a 2-acre parcel that is currently for sale off Old Hammock Road. If approved, the rezoning will make way for the property to be developed into 13 Townhomes.

This will be the second set of Townhomes added to the Silver Sands School Zone and neighborhoods located off Herbert. Another site plan, located across Herbert Street from the Bennet Hammock subdivision, has already been approved for the construction of 40 Townhomes.

If you’re just hearing about this, then you’re not alone. The owner, developer, and their representatives only notified homeowners that reside within 500 feet of the property in question. Bennet Hammock’s Homeowner’s Association President, Tanya Laurain, received informational packets on the development of the property and took it upon herself to notify HOA members.

“The property is confusingly part of the existing HOA; but at the same time, it’s not,” said Laurain.

The property is located within the Bennet’s Hammock subdivision and is approximately 2.47 acres that sit at the end of Old Hammock Rd. The current zoning of the property is considered Tract 3 - Zoning for an assisted living facility, Elderly Housing, or a Nursing Home.

The lot is currently wooded, full of different animals, and situated next to a retention pond.

According to the agenda from the March 25 Planning Commission Meeting, the initial meeting was held back on February 23. The owner’s representatives presented the proposal for the amendment to the existing Bennett’s Hammock Planned Unit Development for the property.

Both meetings were open to the public to address concerns like:

  • How can you address the traffic situation on Herbert during school hours? What traffic improvement options are available? How will this project help the traffic situation?
  • How are you ensuring that this project is compatible with the existing community?
  • How will the existing wildlife be affected? What areas of the project are being preserved?

The drainage and water run-off are intended to stay the same, utilizing the pre-existing retention pond on the adjacent lot to the property and adding more drainage infrastructure.

As for traffic concerns, unfortunately, with any construction project, there is unavoidable construction traffic. However, there are plans to use Old Hammock Road to accommodate a parking lot for the Town Homes.

“I don’t know how they’re gonna pull that off; the road is super narrow,” said Laurain, referencing the size of Old Hammock Road. “There’s not much traffic that goes through there.”

Some of the questions and concerns of the residents were addressed, like the drainage and traffic issues. No other solid answers have been provided as of yet.

“No resolution regarding the wildlife has been made yet. They will be displacing the animals, which are like 30 owls, poisonous snakes, and other animals that will end up in our yards since they have no place to go,” said Laurain.

While the Planning Commission has not recommended the change in the zoning of the property yet – there are still two more meetings planned regarding the future development of the parcel.

Unfortunately, the owner, developer, nor their representatives were able to be reached for comment.

Do you know of a local event, or business, that we should feature on Featured Community Connections, or do you have a comment regarding this situation? Let us know on the Port Orange Connection Facebook Page!

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