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Face Coverings Optional for High School Graduations at Ocean Center.

Wed, May 26, 2021 at 2:55PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



Volusia County Schools announced Wednesday, May 26, 2021, that face-coverings will now be optional at Volusia County Schools’ High School rehearsals and graduations.

According to a release, the decision to make masks optional and voluntary at the upcoming graduation ceremonies is due to the Ocean Center no longer requiring masks at its facility. 

This change applies to all staff, graduates, and their guests.

Each graduate can purchase up to eight tickets, and any extra tickets are to be sold at the Ocean Center on the day of each graduation.

A live stream of the ceremonies will be recorded professionally allowing, extended family to watch remotely. All Graduation Ceremonies will also be recorded and posted to the district website.

Families should contact their High Schools with any questions about graduation.

The school district is currently promoting a proposed change in policy that would make face coverings optional at schools and other Volusia County School facilities by mid-June. For now, Volusia County Schools’ mandatory mask policy is still in effect.

The school district will continue to closely monitor the course of the virus and will notify families of any changes regarding health and safety guidelines.

Graduations are scheduled to be held June 3-6 at the Ocean Center.

The graduation schedule can be found on the VCS website at:

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