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City of Daytona Beach Approves Mandate for Face Masks When Indoors.

Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 10:05AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



City Commissioners for the city of Daytona Beach held a special meeting Friday where they adopted a resolution requiring people working, living, visiting or doing business in the City of Daytona Beach to wear a face-covering in any indoor location, other than a home or residence when social distancing is not possible to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The face-covering requirement is effective as of 12:01 a.m. Sunday, June 28.


According to a release sent out by the city, “We have this requirement in place to protect our most vulnerable population and hope our residents wear face coverings to protect others,” said Mayor Derrick Henry. “We also want to send a message to those who visit our city that we take the CDC recommendations seriously, and we want people who visit our city to take them seriously to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.”


Face coverings should securely cover a person’s nose and mouth and be consistent with CDC guidelines on the use of face coverings.


Examples of compliant homemade masks are online.


For those not in compliance with this resolution, warnings will be issued through Wednesday, July 15.


There are exceptions to the face-covering requirement, including:


o Persons under the age of two years.

o Persons observing social distancing following CDC guidelines.

o Persons for whom a face covering would cause impairment due to an existing health condition.

o Persons working in a business or profession who do not have face-to-face interactions with other persons.

o Persons working in a business or profession who maintain social distancing (can include use of a barrier) from another person.

o Persons working in a business or profession where the use of a face covering would prevent them from performing the duties of the business or profession.

o Persons exercising, while maintaining social distancing.

o Persons eating or drinking.

o Public safety, fire, and other life safety and health care personnel, as their protective equipment requirements, will be governed by their respective agencies.

o A person speaking with another hearing-impaired individual, where the hearing-impaired individual needs to see the person’s mouth to understand what is spoken.

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