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FTC to Non-Filers: Expect a Letter About Your Stimulus.

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 1:45PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News 



The FTC wants to let non-filers, who have yet to receive their economic impact payment, to expect a letter regarding your Stimulus from the IRS.


The letter is to be addressed to non-filers or those who did not file a return in 2018 or 2019, letting people know how to register on the IRS website to claim your payment.


These letters coming from the IRS are legitimate and provide information on the IRS’s real website at, or call them directly at 800-919-9835 to register to claim your payment.


The FTC is also warning people that if someone claiming to be from the IRS calls, emails, or texts about helping you get your stimulus payment, that person is running a government imposter scam. Hang up, and don’t respond to or click on any links in texts or emails. The IRS will not text, email, or call you about your economic impact payment. And they’ll never ask you to pay a fee to get your money.


The deadline to claim stimulus payments is October 15, 2020.

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