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FDOT is reporting I-95 Closures on October 31, 2017 between Dunlawton Ave and International Speedway . . . Click For Details!
There will be detours on Interstate 95 (I-95) to allow the project team to pour the bridge deck for the newly constructed Interstate 4 (I-4/Beville Road (State Road (S.R.) 400) bridges. This deck pour will require detours in both, north and southbound directions on I-95 between U.S.92/International Speedway Boulevard and S.R. 421/ Dunlawton Avenue. This detour will occur on the night of Tuesday, October 31 from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Detours will be well marked. The back-up date for this activity is November 1. The same times and detours will apply. Travelers are advised to slow down and follow the detour signs through the construction zones.
Posted detours are as follows:
I-95 Southbound Detour:
•I-95 southbound motorists will be detoured to U.S. 92 east to Williamson Blvd. south,then to Dunlawton Ave. /Taylor Road (S.R. 421) where access to I-95 southbound will beopen.
•I-95 southbound motorists looking to travel west on I-4 will be detoured to U.S. 92 west,where access to I-4 westbound will be open.
•I-95 southbound motorists looking to travel east on Beville Rd. (S.R. 400) will bedetoured to U.S. 92 east, to Williamson Blvd. south, where access to Beville Rd. (S.R.400)will be open.
I-95 Northbound Detour:
•I-95 northbound will be detoured to Dunlawton Ave./Taylor Road (S.R. 421) west, toWilliamson Blvd. north, then west on Beville Rd. (S.R. 400), where access to I-95northbound ramp will be open.
•I-95 northbound motorists looking to travel west on I-4 will be detoured to DunlawtonAve./Taylor Road (S.R. 421) west to Williamson Blvd. north, then west on Beville Rd.(S.R. 400), where access to I-4 westbound will be open.
Please note, the following access will not be affected:
•I-4 eastbound to Beville Rd. (S.R. 400)
•Beville Rd. (S.R. 400) westbound to I-4 westbound
•I-4 eastbound to I-95 southbound
•I-4 eastbound to I-95 northbound

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