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Disaster Recovery Center in Daytona Beach to close March 31.

Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 3:25PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



Volusia's Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) at 1845 Holsonback Drive in Daytona Beach, will close permanently beginning Friday, March 31, 2023, at 6 p.m., as announced by Emergency Services Director Jim Judge, due to a drop in the number of visitors seeking assistance since the center's opening in October.

"The recovery center opened in October and has been a vital asset for people to apply for assistance and speak to representatives from multiple agencies," Judge stated, "I also want to express my sincerest gratitude to FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as they have been so helpful in getting our residents and businesses the assistance they need, as well as the Florida Department of Health for providing the venue."

Businesses and most private nonprofit organizations still have time to apply for an economic injury loan through the SBA for Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. The deadline to submit a loan application for Hurricane Ian is Thursday, June 29, and Wednesday, September 13, for Hurricane Nicole. However, the deadline to apply for FEMA assistance and a physical property damage loan through the SBA has already passed.

Individuals and businesses who still have an open case or would like to appeal a denial decision can still work with FEMA by visiting, using the FEMA mobile app, or calling 800-621-3362. SBA is also accessible to progress with an open loan application or to file a loan denial appeal by visiting their website, emailing, or calling 800-659-2955.

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