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Derelict vessels near Port Orange Causeway Park to be removed.

Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 1:20PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News 



Recently, the removal of the derelict vessels from Daytona Beach’s section of the Halifax River has spurred some concern from the residents about the abandoned boats littering the waterways around Port Orange Causeway Park at 93 Dunlawton Avenue (the Dunlawton Avenue Bridge) in Port Orange.

Derelict vessels are hazardous to the environment as these abandoned vessels degrade and break apart, potentially releasing different pollutants into the water and soil. According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), these vessels are also navigational hazards to boaters.

Officials with Volusia County have partnered up with the FWC to help remove derelict vessels from the county’s waterways in the past through the FWC’s Derelict Vessel Grant Program.

The program provides grant funds to local governments for reimbursement for removing derelict vessels from public waters. The funds come from an appropriation from the Florida legislature, and applications that meet all the requirements can be submitted at any time so long as the funds are available.

According to Volusia County staff, there are currently five vessels authorized for removal by the FWC in the Causeway Park Area. Three of these vessels are being removed by a Volusia County project currently underway, funded by the FWC grant.

The remaining vessels were authorized for removal by the FWC after grant authorization went through and should be removed by Volusia County in Spring 2023 if they are not removed by another entity first.

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User Comments

Derelict Vessel removal
As of October 19th only one vessel has been removed. Of the six vessels remaining in the area, three have become non-floating since they arrived and three are still floating. While the three already no-floating will have be removed at great expense after a long, complicated, time-consuming process, it would be nice if the others could be removed while they still could be quietly and inexpensively floated away.
Author: / Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 2:31PM