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City to Host Environmental Ordinance Discussions

Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 9:30AM

Port Orange, FL - Public meetings will be held regarding city-wide environmental ordinances. For residents with concerns, the first meeting of the Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) will be on Monday, October 22nd at 5:15pm with the following topic agenda:

1: Riverwalk Environmental Issues

2: Proper Palm Tree Pruning

3: Environmental Summit

4: List of Invasive Species

The second meeting is a Special City Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd at 5:30pm which is slated to include, among additional items, suggested changes to the Tree Ordinance based on staff and EAB recommendations. The public is encouraged to provide input.

The Tree Ordinance has not been significantly altered since the mid-1990’s, and many may be inclined to demand stronger tree protection due to the city’s reluctance to value all trees of a certain diameter and their reluctance to increase the County-minimum 15% preservation area for all new projects.

There will be no official vote on adjusting the Tree Ordinance at this time, but citizens are encouraged to voice their opinions regarding city standards before any policy goes into effect.

Events: Port Orange EAB and City Council Special meetings

Date: Monday, October 22nd and Tuesday, October 23rd

Time: 5:15pm and 5:30pm, respectively

Location: Port Orange City Center, second floor conference room and Council chambers

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