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City Council to Consider New Planning Commission Appointees

Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 4:15PM

Port Orange, FL - The Port Orange City Council will consider the applications of three Port Orange residents to serve on the Planning Commission.

Term limits for four current commission members created the need for applications from residents interested in serving. The terms for current members Thomas Jordan, Lance Green, Darryl “Bo” Bofamy, and Michael Arminio expire this month.

Another commission member, Maria Mills-Benat was seated in September 2017 after filing an unexpired term left vacant by Sonya Laney and is being considered for reappointment to ensure the commission members’ terms remain staggered.

Residents who submitted applications include Christina Berry, a resident of Port Orange for one year who has a degree in Leadership and Organizational Studies from the University of Southern Maine according to her application.

Joe Fazzie, a Port Orange resident for 17 years, also expressed interest in serving on the Planning Commission. According to his application, Fazzie is an instructor with Volusia County Public Schools and holds a degree from Drexel University in Business Administration.

“I believe that in order to be an effective leader, one needs to be a superior communicator, be flexible in decision making, incorporate feedback from lessons learned, and be able to attract & retain outstanding talent,” wrote Fazzie on his LinkedIn profile.

The final applicant being considered at the upcoming Council meeting is Rob Walsh, a resident of Port Orange for 18 years who, according to his application, served as a city planner and planning director in Florida and other states.

“Now that I have time to devote to community activities, I would like to put to use many years of related experience in the public and private sectors,” wrote Walsh in his application. “It's time to give something back.”

Any new members appointed are required to file financial disclosures within 30 days of date of appointment. The City Council meets Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall.

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