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City Council Members Sworn In, Select New Committees

Wed, Dec 05, 2018 at 6:10PM

Port Orange, FL – At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting the members who secured re-election in November were officially sworn in and the council firmed up representative positions for all Council committees.

Council members Bob Ford, Scott Stiltner, and Chase Tramont were sworn in by Volusia County Court Judge Chris Kelly.

“I am so honored to work with this Council and serve for the next four years,” Stiltner said. “The learning curve continues, and I encourage anyone who gets into public service to approach it with a mindset of learning every day. I’m proud of what this city has accomplished as a community. There is love, heart, and passion in this city and I’m excited to serve the next four years.”

Also, Scott Stiltner completed his term as Vice Mayor and nominated Councilman Chase Tramont to serve in the role for the next 13 months. Tramont accepted the nomination and was confirmed by a unanimous vote.

“It’s an honor to serve the community I grew up in,” said Tramont. “I brag on Port Orange constantly and the people here who invested in me, I’m honored to invest my life here. It’s the thrill of a lifetime to serve with these gentlemen. It’s a sign of a healthy city when we can have a 3-2 split vote on an issue and go to dinner together immediately after. I’m grateful for the opportunity.”

Council members were allowed the opportunity to discuss committees they serve on currently and adjust where they serve. Council agreed they did not need to assign a member to serve on the Golf Advisory Board. As Stiltner steps aside from the Vice Mayor role, he agreed it now affords him the ability to serve on the River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Committee, replacing Councilman Drew Bastian.

TPO is responsible for developing and managing a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process, which results in the development of plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of the urbanized area.

Council representation for other committees remained unchanged. ArtHaus – Councilman Ford; City Investment Committee – Councilman Stiltner; General Employees Retirement Trust Fund – Councilman Stiltner; Municipal Firefighters Pension Board – Councilman Ford; Municipal Police Officers Retirement Trust – Councilman Bastian; Port Orange-South Daytona Chamber of Commerce – Mayor Burnette (months 3, 6, 9, and 12) and Councilman Ford (all others); Roundtable of Elected Officials - Mayor Burnette; First Step – Vice Mayor Tramont.

Other topics addressed at the meeting included a tribute to City Finance Director Terry Riehm who passed away last month. Mayor Burnette noted her passing by reading her obituary into county record and several council members added their comments.

“Tracey was a stellar city employee and even more stellar person,” Burnette said.

Bastian recalled Riehm’s ever-present humility.

“She always gave credit to her team,” said Bastian. “It’s still a shock and a huge loss to us as a city and us personally.”

Tramont remembered his personal and professional interactions with Riehm.

“She was passionate about her work, her family, and her faith,” Tramont said. “She personifies the good and faithful servant, and our hearts break and rejoice for she’s enjoyably walking the streets of gold.”

The next and final City Council meeting of the year will be Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 6:30 pm.

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