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Volusia High Schools to Receive New AEDs

Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 3:00PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News




All ten of Volusia County high schools will be receiving Three new AEDs – Automated External Defibrillators – as part of an expanded program to keep student-athletes safe during athletics practices and games.


According to a release from Volusia County Schools, the new AEDs were purchased with $46,000 of this year’s contribution to Volusia County Schools from AdventHealth, the official champion of VCS. This is the third year of the five-year, $2 million partnership built on three pillars: athlete health and safety; health academies and health careers; and addressing chronic absenteeism.


“The AED is a lifesaver. When someone goes down with a cardiac issue, it will analyze the heart. It will walk the individual through the steps of CPR and shock, as needed. So, this is very important,” said Erik Nason of AdventHealth Sports Medicine. “AdventHealth is so excited to be able to provide these AEDs to these ten high schools here in Volusia County Schools.”


High Schools in the county already have at least one AED on campus, but the district made a commitment to increasing access to AEDs, which help people experiencing cardiac arrest.


The passage of the Zach Martin Act on July 1 now requires coaches to have access to an AED at every athletic practice and game. The law also requires ongoing training. Coaches are currently required to have CPR training and will now receive additional training specifically for the AEDs.


Two of the new AEDs for each high school will be portable for use on the fields and courts, while one will be mounted on the wall of the gymnasium.


“Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death – the No. 1 cause of death – for student-athletes within sporting events,” said Jeff Perlow, Manager of ZOLL Medical. “That’s why they decided to bolster this program.”


In addition to having the AEDs for emergency use, students in the high schools’ health academies and health science programs will be able to use them for lessons. 

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