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Volusia County Schools unveil French Immersion Programs for young learners.

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
In a remarkable educational development, Volusia County Schools inaugurated two pioneering French Immersion programs at Citrus Grove Elementary in DeLand and Spruce Creek Elementary in Port Orange on Friday, marking the first of their kind within the Volusia County School district.
The launch of these language programs aims to introduce students to the beauty of the French language at an early age, emphasizing its potential to open doors to a world of opportunities.
"We know that if we start our children young when learning a language, that can carry on and open up a lot of doors for them in their lives. There's never a wrong time to start, but the younger we start, the easier it is for them," said School Board Chair Jamie Haynes.
More than 1,600 students, from kindergarten through 5th grade, will partake in French classes as part of their special area rotations. This immersive language experience sets the stage for a seamless progression in language learning, eventually feeding into the International Baccalaureate French programs available at DeLand High School and Spruce Creek High School.
Superintendent Dr. Carmen Balgobin, who has a background as a foreign language teacher, articulated the significance of the initiative, stating, "I was a foreign language teacher, so this is very special to my heart because in our communities when you're learning a second and a third and a fourth language, it's not just a language that you're learning. You're also learning how to become bi-literate and bicultural; this is about global citizenship right here."
This comprehensive French Immersion program equips the youngest French language learners with full proficiency by the time they graduate high school. Educational experts have recognized immersive language programs like this, where teachers exclusively communicate in French, as one of the most effective ways to teach foreign languages at the elementary level.
Research also supports the notion that foreign language study in the early elementary years contributes to enhanced cognitive abilities, positively influences achievement in other academic disciplines, and results in higher test scores in reading and math.
The Volusia County School District extends its gratitude to Dr. Grace Kellermeier, the coordinator of world languages, for her instrumental role in launching this groundbreaking program while expressing enthusiasm for expanding similar initiatives.
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