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Volusia County Schools Outlines Graduation, Senior Activities.

Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 5:00PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



Volusia County Schools put out a release Friday afternoon, informing students and families that socially distanced graduation ceremonies in June.


Proms, Graduation Bashes, and other large-group senior activities where social distancing is not possible will regretfully not be held this year, according to the release.


“High schools will plan alternatives to prom and other traditional activities to make the end of senior year special for graduates,” said Dr. Gabriel Berrio, VCS Assistant Superintendent for High Schools.


District leaders are working closely with the Volusia County Health Department and are using CDC guidance to make decisions regarding senior activities.


“There is no way to safely social-distance at a dance,” said Volusia County Health Department Administrator Patricia Boswell.


For the Class of 2021 graduation, VCS will follow the same model used successfully last year. Graduates will be socially distanced during the graduation ceremony at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach. 


Attendance will be limited, with up to two tickets for each senior available for purchase through their high schools. Ceremonies will be professionally live-streamed to allow extended family to watch remotely. They will also be recorded and posted on the district website.


The schedule is as follows:

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