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Volusia County Eyes Sales Tax Increase

Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 1:45PM

County officials are meeting today at Daytona Beach International Airport to discuss when to hold a special election to obtain the public’s support for increasing sales tax by a half cent.

If approved, the revenue would be spent improving infrastructure items like roads and flood control. The increase could generate $42 million.

Port Orange officials urged the county to be responsible and hold the election properly so as not to waste time and money. Turnover of several elected positions has reportedly not dampened the support for the measure.

The special election could come as early as Spring, but it is more likely to be held in the fall. There is little to no support of holding a summer election due to many residents traveling during the summer months.

The other decision to be made pertaining to the special election is the method – mail-ballot or opening precincts. Both have costs associated and official will be weighing the benefits of each method when they meet.

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