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Volunteers needed for July 5 beach cleanup.

Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 4:40PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



Each year, Volusia County beaches become littered with thousands of pounds of spent fireworks, food, plates, cups, cigarettes, broken beach chairs, plastic bags, six-pack rings, and straws following Independence Day celebrations at the beach.

According to a release, to help with the massive effort, Volusia County’s environmental specialists are looking for volunteers to join them in removing debris, the morning of July 5.

Cleanup efforts are being coordinated from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at two New Smyrna Beach sites: Flagler Avenue Beachfront Park, off Buenos Aires St.; and Mary McLeod Bethune Beach Park, off S. Atlantic Ave.

Beachgoers can help clean the beach in other ways by just showing up at their favorite spot with a trash bag or reusable bucket.

Bags with trash should be placed inside any garbage can on the beach or placed next to it if the garbage can is full.

The county’s contracted cleanup company and staff from the Beach Safety and Coastal divisions will also be scouring the beach for garbage. This team effort will make the county’s beaches clean and safe for sea turtles, birds, and other wildlife.

For information on how to participate, contact

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