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Suspects Arrested for Armed Robbery in Wendy’s Parking Lot

Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 4:35PM

Port Orange, FL- Two suspects arrested for armed robbery in Wendy’s parking lot in the 900 block of Dunlawton Avenue on Sunday night.

The suspects, Jimmy Holmgren (20-years-old) and Kyle Agoo (17-years-old), displayed a Glock 23 during an attempted robbery.

According to the police report, Mia Ortiz and Cody Higbee, the victims,  were sitting inside a Dodge pickup in the Wendy’s parking lot when two males ran up to their vehicle and tried to rob them.

One of the suspects approached the passenger’s side of the vehicle and held a gun to Higbee’s head and demanded they give him all of their money. Ortiz used pepper spray on the suspect with the gun and the suspects fled without further violence.

The suspects tailed their vehicle as she pulled out of the Wendy’s parking lot and headed to Higbee’s mother’s house. On the way, Higbee used Ortiz’s phone to call 911 and the two passed a marked patrol vehicle. The 2 went back to the patrol vehicle and a BOLO (Be on the lookout) was issued referencing the vehicle and suspects’ description.

Around 9:30pm, a Port Orange Police Officer found a vehicle matching the description at the Kangaroo Gas Station at 4036 Nova Road. The vehicle had 3 occupants and the driver was identified as Jimmy Ray Holmgren. After running Holmgren’s information, an open warrant came up for Volusia County and Holmgren was taken into custody.

Upon searching the suspects’ vehicle, a black Glock model 23 handgun was found under the back seat with an extended magazine with 28 rounds of ammunition next to the gun. There was also a single round of ammunition found outside of the magazine and the gun.

The victims were able to identify Kyle Agoo as the suspect who held the gun and Jimmy Holmgren as the suspect who approached the driver’s side of the vehicle.

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