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Some Port Orange Residents say 'No' to Yorktown Extension

Wed, May 30, 2018 at 4:35PM

Port Orange, FL- A meeting is taking place in the cafeteria at Horizon Elementary School tonight from 6pm-8pm. Willow Run, Oakbrook, and Hidden Lakes subdivisions and the city of Port Orange will be discussing the Yorktowne Blvd Extension and the property rezoning issue at Willow Run Blvd and Williamson Blvd.

A lot of the residents in these subdivisions are opposed to the proposed development plan and have come together to express their concern.

Kathy Josenhans, a resident of one of the subdivisions since 1992, has a great concern for the wildlife that will be disrupted and how the cost of living will go up in the area if 276 new apartments are built. 

There is a concern of the project being built on a flood plain and it could potentially endanger nearby properties and also a concern about the increase of traffic through the residential area.

“This is about money,” Josenhans said. “We knew something was in the works because some of us attend the meetings and watch Port Orange TV.”

Josenhans feels the residents in the area were not notified properly and more people would have spoken against this project if they knew about it.

There will be a powerpoint presentation at the meeting tonight that will provide residents with more information on what’s to come.

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