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Relaunch Volusia Efforts Projected Date Set for June 1; Farmer’s Market to Re-Open Wednesday, May 20.

Tue, May 12, 2020 at 1:25PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News.



Volusia County Council met this morning for their weekly COVID-19 update meeting. Throughout the meeting council members heard from the different division leaders that provided an update on what is going on countywide.


During this morning’s meeting, a heavy focus fell on the Relaunch Volusia Efforts. The document is in its final stages, and according to Susan Konchan Deputy Community Manager, there is a projected set date for June 1, 2020.


Relaunch Volusia has already had plenty of changes by moving things that were supposed to be a part of Phase 2 (Bathrooms at the Beach), have been moved to phase one. Council members were extremely impressed by the herculean effort of county staff to plan, revise, and finalize the plan. Deborah Denys, Zone 3 Councilwoman urged viewers to view the document and see the effort that has been and is continued to be put forth by the county.


For those interested in viewing the Relaunch Volusia Document, it can be found here.


County divisions are also preparing for Hurricane Season and ramping up efforts to include social distancing and better sanitation guidelines for shelters. Emergency Management plans to work further with the school board to open more schools as shelters, and still meet the needs of residents (including special needs residents).


It has also been confirmed by the Farm Bureau that the Volusia County Farmer’s Market will re-open Wednesday, May 20 at the Fairgrounds, and will be at outside capacity only. This is to adhere to social distancing guidelines.


Council members are looking forward to re-opening our county and have praised the full efforts of the county government, officials, staff and residents that have proven Volusia County to be a leader in our immediate area, and one that has never stopped serving the public.


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