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Port Orange to Host Rock and Walk Saturday

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 2:45PM

Port Orange, FL - On Saturday, September 29th, Port Orange will be hosting the 2018 Daytona Rock and Walk at the Port Orange Amphitheater from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

This is the 7th annual Rock and Walk which is put on by the Florida Chapter of The TEARS Foundation. The purpose of the walk is to raise money to help families who have lost a baby. All proceeds will go towards TEARS Foundation programs that assist bereaved parents.

The TEARS Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps families cope with the loss of their child by providing financial assistance for the baby’s funeral and ongoing emotional support.

Doors to the event will open at 9 a.m. and the opening ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. Registration costs $10 and can be done online or at the event. The cost includes entrance and a handmade butterfly with a baby’s name on it.

Parking for the event is located in the parking lot just before the Lake Side Center, and extra parking will be at the library.

There will be a raffle and a silent auction at the walk. The silent auction will feature items such as a Wawa gift basket, tickets to the Florida Aquarium, and more.

There will be an area for the kids where a dance contest will be held hosted by a DJ. Self-care vendors and Kona Ice will also be there, and a percentage of Kona Ice’s proceeds will be donated to TEARS.

Jeep Beach is sponsoring the HOPE lap this year and following the walk teams will have the opportunity to take pictures with a Jeep and a HOPE banner.

A memory table will be at the front of the stage, so bring any picture or item that you would like to add.

A live butterfly release will be done at the closing ceremony to honor the children that have been gone too soon. Winners of the raffle and silent auction will also be announced at the ceremony, and winners must be there to receive their prize.

The Rock and Walk event is a time for the community to gather together and lift up families in the community that have suffered a great loss. For any additional information call Tiffany Grimes at 386-679-1568 or call Margaret Pilon at 732-610-8771. To register click here.

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