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Port Orange Special Council Meeting Set to Discuss District 1 Vacancy

Fri, Jan 04, 2019 at 3:05PM

Port Orange, FL – The passing of Councilman Bob Ford has left a vacant seat on the Port Orange City Council which will be addressed at a City Council Special Meeting next week.

The Council will first hear a motion to declare the vacancy under the city’s Charter Section 3.05(a).

Filling the vacancy will require a Special Election, which the Council will set the date for and establish qualifying dates for interested parties who want to seek election for the District 1 seat.

The Council will also discuss the process for selection of an interim council member at this meeting. Ford passed away a month into the term for which he was recently re-elected. According to the charter, to fill the vacancy, “if there are more than twelve (12) months remaining in the unexpired term and no regular city election is scheduled within twelve (12) months, the council shall fill the vacancy on an interim basis as provided in (1), and shall schedule a special election and a primary election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.”

The Special Meeting has been scheduled for January 8, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at 1000 City Center Drive in Port Orange.

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