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Port Orange City Manager Tenders Resignation.

Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 10:35AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



The city of Port Orange announced Thursday that City Manager Michael “Jake” Johansson has tendered his resignation to the city.


Per Mr. Johansson’s resignation letter:


“After many hours of thought as well as discussions with family and friends, I have decided to resign as the City Manager of Port Orange to concentrate on my family, my health and explore new opportunities. My current situation precludes me from devoting the time necessary to adequately concentrate on the city in the manner that is enough to meet the needs of our citizens and at the level that you and I both expect.”


Back in September, at a Regular City Council Meeting, Mayor Don Burnette announced a family issue that required Johansson’s care, and that he would need an undetermined amount of extended-leave time out of state, which he took from October 5-31, 2020.


Administrative Services Director Jamie Miller took over as Acting City Manager during Johansson’s leave.


“Over the last five years, Jake’s leadership and dedication to our city have positioned us once again as the premier community in all Volusia. We are beyond grateful for both his service to our city, as well as our country before that. He’s been a true friend to us all and he’ll be greatly missed,” said Mayor Burnette in gratitude, on behalf of the City Council.


A City Council Special Meeting has been scheduled on Tuesday, November 10 at 6:00 pm by City Council to discuss who will serve as Interim City Manager.


Johannson’s last day will be Friday, December 11, 2020.

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