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Port Orange: The Premiere Community of Volusia; State of the City Address

Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 4:20PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz


The City of Port Orange State of the City Address was a remarkable event that showcased the great achievements, accomplishments, and plans that the city officials have in the works for the Premiere City of Volusia County. The catered event was led by Mayor Donald O. Burnette who was lively, fun, personable and energetic while showing a slide that showcased each district of the City.



District Four Councilman Scott Stiltner gave great detail regarding the ‘growing district’. “There’s still room for more development,” Stiltner said. Looking into 2020 Advent Health Emergency Medical Center is planned to utilize the South East Corner of Taylor and Williamson.


District Three Councilman Drew Bastian enlightened us on the retail aspect of the City, and how the city doesn’t recruit retail establishments, “they come to us.” Takara, a current restaurant in the Pavillion, is getting its freestanding restaurant in the shopping complex and is an active construction site at this time.


District Two Councilman Chase Tramont focused on how the old and new sides of Port Orange congregate together giving a sense of community. The jewel of the city is the up and coming Rec Center. Tramont expressed that more growth continues to happen, the more opportunities are given to the residents of Port Orange.


District One Councilwoman Marilyn Ford took pride in the Riverwalk, the trailhead named after her husband, Robert E. Ford, and the improvements that are planned for the Down Under area. “District One is coming of age,” Ford said, “Including a Restaurant, The Fish, that is slotted for Late 2020 at the Riverwalk.”


Following the slides, Mayor Burnette continued his energetic speech as he recapped the plans for 2020 for each department like Public Works, installing lift station panels, and pipelining, while Parks and Recreation (with Rec Man) are taking care of over 4745 acres of parkland throughout the city. The mayor elaborated on better traffic flow on Dunlawton from A1A to past Williamson Blvd, improving streetlights on Dunlawton between Ridgewood and Spruce Creek Road, and much more.


It seems that the City Council is all in, it seems to keep up with growth, health, and stability of the City of Port Orange and it shows in their presentation of their accomplishments and future goals.

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