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National Slam the Scam Day

Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 10:25AM

National Slam the Scam Day

The Inspector General for the Social Security Administration (SSA) has designated March 7 as National Slam the Scam Day—an outreach campaign to raise public awareness of Social Security scams and other government imposter scams. This is part of National Consumer Protection Week, March 3 - 9.

Unfortunately, fraudsters target veterans, active-duty service members, and their families at a higher rate than they do civilians. They are also 40% more likely than their civilian counterparts to lose money to scams and schemes. Recognizing the basic signs of a scam is helpful in stopping fraudulent activity.


Scammers  pretend  to be from an agency or organization you know to gain your trust.
Scammers say there is a problem  or a prize.
Scammers  pressure you to act immediately.
Scammers tell you to  pay  in a specific way.

Fraudsters know that a veteran’s patriotism can be an open door to their heart and wallet. They approach veterans with appeals to military service brotherhood.

Remember to:

Hang up on suspicious calls from “government officials” calling about a problem with your Social Security number or account, and NEVER make payments with gift cards, wire transfers, or by mailing cash.

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