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Marine Science Center to release three shorebirds.

Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 1:55PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



On Friday, April 14, at 10:30 a.m., the Marine Science Center’s seabird rehabilitation facility will release two laughing gulls and a herring gull at the Lighthouse Point Park dog beach at 5000 S. Atlantic Avenue, Ponce Inlet. 

According to a release, the birds were brought to the facility in February and March where they were found lying listlessly on a Volusia County beach. After receiving treatment for emaciation and dehydration, they underwent rehabilitation in the facility’s 20-foot-tall flight cage, where they built their muscles and practiced diving for fish.

The Marine Science Center has treated injured and sick birds since opening in 2002. Over the years, more than 19,000 birds have received medical attention, and many are successfully released back into the wild.

Located at 100 Lighthouse Drive, Ponce Inlet, the Marine Science Center is open to the public every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for Mondays. For more information, visit or call 386-304-5545.

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