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Local Fourth Grader Wins National Poetry Contest.

Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 7:00PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News




Sage Day was a third grader in Mrs. West’s class at Cypress Creek Elementary in Port Orange when she wrote a poem. Day's poem about women's suffrage was submitted to a local contest that was sponsored by the Sugar Mill Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, by her teacher.


After winning the local contest, the poem advanced to a state competition where it gained more recognition by winning a second time. The poem eventually made it to a national contest, where Day received a medal for her poem.


Sage is now in the fourth grade. 


Her poem is below: 





100 years ago, women were not

allowed to vote.

I know it’s hard to believe, but

this is not a joke.


In 1848, the Women’s Rights Movement


Women were tired of being mistreated

so, they started to plan.


In 1913 they marched in Washington, D.C.,

in the Women’s Suffrage Parade.

Thousands of women united for the

right to vote, proud, and unafraid.


The right to vote was granted in 1920

because these strong women paved

the way.


Please honor their hard work and

courage by voting on Election Day.

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