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FDOT and DBPD Will Be Conducting a High Visibility Enforcement Detail until May 2020.

Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 12:00PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz


According to Alert Today Florida, an organization under FDOT, along with the Daytona Beach Police Department will be conducting a High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) operation for the Daytona Beach Area.

Daytona Beach has ranked 3rd out of 102 cities in resulting in serious and fatal injuries to pedestrians and bicyclists. This is why FDOT and DBPD will be teaming up to conduct HVE operations until May 2020 along the roadways in the City that are over-represented in traffic crashes resulting in serious and fatal injuries to pedestrians and bicyclists. These include the following:

-Nova Road

- Mason Avenue

- Clyde Morris Boulevard

- Ridgewood Avenue

- International Speedway Boulevard

- A1A

FDOT has also partnered with the University of North Florida who has funded the details of the operation to focus on improving pedestrian and bicycle safety. The goal is to enforce and increase awareness of and compliance with traffic laws protecting the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.

Enforcement primarily will focus on education to drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists, but citations and warnings will be issued depending on the circumstances.

FDOT and DBPD want everyone to remember:

Drivers, obey speed limits, never drive impaired, and always watch for pedestrians and bicyclists. Bicyclists obey traffic laws, ride in the direction of traffic, and use lights when riding at night. Pedestrians, cross in crosswalks or at intersections, obey pedestrian signals, and make sure you are visible to drivers when walking at night.

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User Comments

Bicycle and pedestrian
Last Saturday we were on beach street and international A bicyclist was weaving across international Blvd. not walking across a crosswalk. As we watched he rode across and a car had to come screeching to a halt barely missing him. Please consider those streets and that pedestrians and bicyclists too are sometimes the cause of their own demise. Dark colors and no lighting also for example
Author: / Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 11:13PM