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County School Board Approves Donations to Local Schools

Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 8:35PM

At the most recent Volusia County School Board meeting, held August 14, 2018, the Board approved donations made to several county schools totaling nearly $100,000.

Port Orange schools received $17, 375 of the $95,498.33 in donated funds. Port Orange Elementary received $2,000 to purchase a sun shade cover for the school playground, and Sweetwater Elementary received $15,375 from its Parent-Teacher Association to use towards the purchase of technology, classroom supplies, and activities.

The remainder of donations varied in amount, the largest was a donation by Chevron Corporation to Campbell Middle School for $19,720 for the purchase of computers and related supplies. Other donations included money earmarked for specific sports programs, clubs, and events. A total of $6,800 was donated to programs serving students with special needs.

The accepting of donations came after members of the public and many county teachers voiced items of general interest at the beginning of the meeting. Several county residents spoke in opposition to recent School Board decisions and policies. Andrew Spar, president of Volusia United Educators, urged the Board to listen more attentively to classroom teachers when it comes to classroom priorities, and Elizabeth Albert, a teacher from Ormond Beach, who voiced disappointment that the school year has started without a fully ratified contract for union teachers.

Other topics of discussion included and update on the School Guardian Program from Volusia County Sheriff Michael Chitwood and Chief Operations Officer Greg Akin. The two were proud to share Volusia County has fulfilled the state mandate to have armed personnel on the campus of each county school. There are currently 35 guardians who completed training, and there are 16 additional guardians who will serve in schools after the completion of training.

“To have accomplished so much with so little time and so little funds, this Board applauds your efforts,” said Chairman Linda Cuthbert. “I know other school boards may not have the cooperation between school district and their sheriff’s departments. You both have modeled what we ask our students to do, which is problem solve.”

The area superintendents also provided a first day of school report. Issues such as inclement weather and electrical failures were addressed by local schools, the county school transportation department, and Florida Power and Light. As it stands Volusia County has 61,561 students enrolled in county public schools.

The next regular School Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 29, 2018, at 5:30 p.m., in the Board Room of the DeLand Administrative Complex, 200 N. Clara Avenue, DeLand, Florida.

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