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City of Port Orange Postpones Fourth of July Spectacular Events.

Wed, May 20, 2020 at 7:20PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



The City of Port Orange has sent out a release canceling it's Fourth of July Spectacular Events. 


The Port Orange City Council voted Tuesday at a City Council Meeting to postpone its 4th of July Spectacular event on July 4, 2020, to continue keeping residents safe due to the coronavirus pandemic. The decision was made to postpone the event based on the reopening guidelines released by state and federal authorities, which won't allow for mass gatherings in the near future.


 "This was a tough decision to suspend our July 4th fireworks event at City Center, said Mayor, Don Burnette. 


"We plan to reschedule our celebration until later this year when it is safe to gather in large groups again as a community, and we look forward to getting together with everyone to celebrate at that time."


 Stay tuned for further updates on the City's website at or social media Facebook pages, " Port Orange City Hall" and "Port Orange Parks & Recreation.”

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