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Annual Flushing and Maintenance of Port Orange Water Distribution System

Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 2:55PM

Annual Flushing and Maintenance of Port Orange Water Distribution System

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



The City of Port Orange Public Utilities Department has announced its annual flushing and maintenance activities for the water distribution system, set to commence on Friday, September 15, 2023, through Friday, October 27, to allow the department to transition from chloramines to free chlorine disinfectant. Over the six-week period, city staff will meticulously flush all water mains, ensuring the continued efficiency and safety of the city's water distribution system.

The annual maintenance and flushing are vital components of Port Orange's commitment to providing high-quality water to its residents. Throughout this period, the water supplied to residents will remain of the utmost quality and entirely safe to consume. However, residents may notice a slight alteration in the taste of the water due to the disinfectant change.

Customers of the broader Port Orange water distribution system will be affected in the following areas Harbor Oaks, Allendale, Ponce Inlet, and Daytona Beach Shores extending northward to Thames Avenue. Once the scheduled maintenance activities conclude, the city will return to using chloramines for water treatment.

The City of Port Orange encourages residents with questions or concerns regarding this maintenance procedure to contact the water treatment plant personnel at 386-506-5770. Additionally, the Public Utilities section of the city's website at

 features a comprehensive FAQ section that can provide further information on the process.

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